Title: Bus Trip Author: Sebastian Chan Category: Open Entrant - Short Film Year: 2018 Location: ACT
Viewer Comments
Peter Rosini from Canberra Australia posted on 27 Jun 2018 4:00:25 PM I am most grateful to all involved in making this film possible for persons like me who have a disability. Thank you Sebastian Chan and all the crew for helping me make some of my dreams come true. Peter
Jenny Weekes from Bruce Australia posted on 25 Jun 2018 8:58:31 PM Bystander training film for discussion. Very topical. There are many ways we can make our voice heard and make a difference. I love this film.
Kaz Kaczmarek from Jerrabomberra Australia posted on 21 Jun 2018 10:06:28 AM Fab well done keep up the good work.
Karen Hinchcliffe from Murrumbateman Australia posted on 20 Jun 2018 5:19:12 PM Great film very proud of you Peter and Maria. You are both such an inspiration to everyone. Keep up the good work