Title: Unbreakable Spirit Author: Runcorn State High School Category: School Entrant - Documentary Year: 2017
Viewer Comments
Angela Hackett from Kingscliff Australia posted on 20 Jun 2018 5:54:52 PM Moving thought provoking. So well done I cried. Simply Wow.
Chris Weitzel from Regina Canada posted on 8 Sep 2017 12:40:41 AM Great video You are an inspiration to all of us and your positivity and determination is contagious.
Jenny Cross from Brisbane Australia posted on 5 Aug 2017 11:43:23 AM Beautiful very inspiring Sarah.
John O'Donnell from Cornubia Australia posted on 27 Jul 2017 6:19:42 AM Congratulations Sarah. You and your dad are an inspiration Well done.
Maria Farrell from My Gravatt East Australia posted on 26 Jul 2017 11:51:49 PM Sarah.. a beautiful little snap-shot of your wonderful determination and that of your father's example. I wish you had shown off some of your fantastic art works as there is no doubting your absolute ability and glorious talent I admire your heaven sent spirit and know that it's probably not in you to show-off.. but goodness me girl.. just wow I'm so proud.. I can only imagine how your loving family feels.. bursting I would say Congratulations on a fantastic effort Well done Your already a winner at life Keep up the great work xx
Lyndal Dawson from Wishart Australia posted on 25 Jul 2017 8:25:54 PM What an amazing story of your life. You are one amazing young lady you have not let your condition give your life any limitations. I have seen you grow up over the and I'm amazed at how wonderful you are. You have not let your condition put you in a box.
Andrea King from Eight Mile Plains Australia posted on 25 Jul 2017 8:20:00 PM Sarah you and your family are an inspiration I'm so proud of your creation and I'm sure it will shine a light upon your condition so people have a greater understanding of what you go through on a day to day basis. Best of luck
Diane Wells from Taupo New Zealand posted on 25 Jul 2017 7:21:19 PM Excellent Sarah well done. You have written a brilliant article. I had to comment as is the name that I put forward for a previous brittle bone conference . Being in NZ I haven't had much input I know-no excuse so when I do I tend to remember them.
Tracie Cairns from Capalaba Australia posted on 25 Jul 2017 7:17:44 PM Sarah you are amazing. Never let people put you down. You have a beautiful loving family and support. You are a very brave girl speaking out about your condition and I hope people realise how awesome you really are.