Jivi's Ability

Title: Jivi's Ability
Author: Jarvis Smoker
Category: Open Entrant - Documentary
Year: 2020
Location: NSW

Viewer Comments

sam wicks from sale Australia posted on 3 Sep 2021 9:07:20 AM
good luck hope to see you in the 2026 Paralympics

Ashley Su from Kellyville Australia posted on 29 Aug 2021 1:43:27 PM
I think you are amazing

Patrick Fennell from Bamain Australia posted on 20 Oct 2020 10:54:53 AM
hey Jarvis Your a Champion already you have done so so much already. LooK forward to meeting you soon get you on the way to the 2026 Para Olympics. Good Luck Patrick

Isaiah blair from swan hill Australia posted on 14 Oct 2020 2:35:44 PM
good job it was inspiering

Deedee Gauci from Balmain Australia posted on 8 Oct 2020 8:38:41 PM
This made me smile so much. I love sports and especially snowboarding. Youre such an inspiration and I know youll make to the Italy Olympic games. Im hoping to be there to working.

Brendan Smith from Balmain Australia posted on 8 Oct 2020 7:27:18 PM
So inspirational. Good luck

Joel Costello from Balmain Australia posted on 8 Oct 2020 12:57:09 PM
Amazing stuff Jarvis You are an inspiration mate Love your work.

Alexandra Lock from GLEBE SYDNEY Australia posted on 6 Oct 2020 3:27:06 PM
What a brilliant video Go Jarvis - you are an absolute legend Nozawa Onsen is the coolest place to ski - except that we nearly lost Charlotte in the soft snow there one day Wishing you all the very very very best of luck Alex David Issy and Charlotte xxx

cheryl Frederickson from chadstone Australia posted on 5 Oct 2020 11:37:59 AM
I liked your video because you proved to people that if your different you can still do things you love.

David Grbin from Glebe Australia posted on 3 Oct 2020 3:33:48 PM
So proud of you Jarvis Love your determined spirit and big heart

Nik Kritikos from Forest Lodge Australia posted on 2 Oct 2020 10:02:42 AM
Very inspiring and elegantly presented. No doubt you will achieve your goals. Best of luck

Lucas Orr from Highett Australia posted on 27 Sep 2020 7:27:23 PM
Good job Jarvi I hope the best for you in the future and we need more of you to conquer the world I hope you make the Olympics and you will be a great inspiration.

Ben Smoker from Wahroonga Australia posted on 26 Sep 2020 3:23:24 PM
Very proud of this nephew of mine. Well done Jarvi

Habib Ajaka from Sydney Australia posted on 24 Sep 2020 7:30:36 PM
Way to go Jarvis Super inspirational - best of luck with the journey and look forward to seeing you reach your goals

Peter McAuley from Frenchs Forest Australia posted on 22 Sep 2020 12:00:04 PM
A great presentation Jarvis. Keep up the enthusiasm. I look forward to seeing you perform at the Olympics.

Marie Witkop from Bonn Germany posted on 21 Sep 2020 5:47:53 PM
Hey Jarvis Best of luck from Germany I also liked the movie Eddie the Eagle a lot. You might also like the movie Shaka where a French Snowboarder dreams about surfing the famous Jaws of Hawaii after preparing himself for two years.

Juan Bustamante from Dee Why Australia posted on 21 Sep 2020 2:02:43 PM
Champion Jarvis

JOANN NEESHAM from BALMAIN Australia posted on 21 Sep 2020 8:20:37 AM
Jarvis I met you when you were 4 weeks old by chance as your mum and I met because you and Thomas are Feb 2008 babies. What an amazing and inspiring fun happy competitive spirit you have. We The Neesham family are 110 behind you and will support you any way we can. See you in 2030 we'll cheer you on.

Nick Bell from Tamarama Australia posted on 20 Sep 2020 7:44:31 PM
Jarvy you are a lovely and awesome soul with an amazing ability to always pick yourself up and have another go.

Graeme ALLEN from Normanhurst Australia posted on 20 Sep 2020 5:23:43 PM
Jarvis A wonderful presentation - I loved your focus and determination on what you want to do and achieve. Continue to work hard and your rewards will follow.

Gaurav Sanan from Singapore Singapore posted on 20 Sep 2020 2:01:35 PM
Inspirational and wish you all the success. With this great attitude I am sure you will conquer the world.

Rebecca Coghlan from Balgowlah Australia posted on 20 Sep 2020 7:49:39 AM
So beautifully and sensitively filmed that brings out the gentle but determined nature of Jarvis and his inspiration to become a super athlete.

Blue Hardy from Gymea Australia posted on 19 Sep 2020 6:37:19 PM
LOVED IT The world needs a bit more of you Jarvis

Michael Sharkey from Letterkenny Ireland posted on 19 Sep 2020 6:29:47 PM
Well done Jarvi keep it up

Sandy Calder from Greenwich Australia posted on 19 Sep 2020 5:01:24 PM
Jarvis what a delightful and talented young man you are Keep on keeping on and enjoy the snow.

Judy Kennedy from McMahons Point Australia posted on 19 Sep 2020 2:44:42 PM
A beautiful film by a beautiful young boy ... congratulations on your enthusiasm for all things and your lovely smile

Joanna Nash from Mernda Australia posted on 19 Sep 2020 8:29:51 AM
I think your totally amazing keep up the good work and best of luck for the future . Your a star .

Vinita Jai from Ahmedabad India posted on 18 Sep 2020 10:13:50 PM
Unbelievable . So many sports activities at such a small age. So much inspiring. Keep going. God bless u with all u want to so in ur life.

Christa Dormer from Mermaid Beach Australia posted on 18 Sep 2020 7:44:03 PM
Jivi what a champion Im sure you will do very well. A great video

Tim Conway from Canberra Australia posted on 18 Sep 2020 6:11:53 PM
Forget Steves comment above with which I agree Do your passion Jarvis you have it in spades and can DO whatever you set your mind on

Stephen Pollitt from Cremorne Australia posted on 18 Sep 2020 3:00:34 PM
Mmmmm snow boarders Ok Jarvis just this once this skier will bow down to you - you little legend Best of luck.

VITHAL MADDALA from SCHOFIELDS Australia posted on 18 Sep 2020 10:26:25 AM
So inspiring Jarvis. You are an absolute legend All the best

Michaela Francis from Mosman Australia posted on 18 Sep 2020 5:49:55 AM
What are a beautiful soul you are Jarvis. This video is so inspiring and you are an absolute legend. Wishing you all the luck in the world

Sally Corliss from Gilgandra Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 10:27:56 PM
Jarvis you are inspirational. Best of luck.

Kirsten Allen from Birchgrove Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 9:09:16 PM
Wow Jarvis - I cannot believe how many sports youve tried. Im so happy that youve found snowboarding. You are such an inspiring guy Good luck. Well be cheering for you

Barbara Murray from Youghal Co cork Ireland posted on 17 Sep 2020 5:10:16 PM
What an amazing young lad he is thinking ahead and is not going to miss out on any activity no matter how difficult or how well he does. Loved your short film

toby crowther from Birchgrove Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 4:48:09 PM
Cmon jarv

Bridie Pearce from ILLAWONG Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 2:58:46 PM
You are such an inspirational little dude and we are all with you on your journey. Go Jarvis

Kylie Porter from Box Hill South Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 1:44:34 PM
Amazing video Jarvis. Well done. I certainly hope that you reach your goals. I watched this video with my son Finlay and we think that you've got amazing talent. Good luck

Karen Duncan from Balmain Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 12:26:10 PM
You are already champion Jarvis. So impressed with all of your achievements.

Mel Hassapis from Mortdale Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 12:20:51 PM
Incredibly inspiring Jarvis - keep going with that incredible ambition and drive and you will reach all of your goals

Aurelien DP from Mosman Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 11:04:16 AM
What an inspiration. Working hard to fulfil your dreams is the way.

Ben Marshall from Birchgrove Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 11:04:04 AM
Congratulations on your wonderful film Jarvis and you also come across as an even more wonderful human being. Were all going for you Thanks again for sharing this film.

Amy Cadwallader from Northbridge Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 10:12:36 AM
I loved watching your video Jarvis What an incredible young man you are. I look forward to seeing your many achievements in the the years to come Go Jarvis

Claire Hodgkinson from Balmain Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 9:11:29 AM
Jarvis you truly are an inspiration in every way . What a wonderful and talented boy you are . Cant wait to watch you on the TV in a few years what a dream come true . So proud of you all our love Claire Cormac Charlie and Lauren xxx

Peggy Oneto from Balmain East Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 8:54:02 AM
What an amazing boy you are Jarvis I really admire your drive and determination you are so inspiring. What a great role model you are for us all I wish you all the best and will be following you in Italy and Japan. Hats off to your family they look so supportive can't be easy to keep up with the pace you are setting

Ciaran Monks from Rozelle Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 8:51:57 AM
Go Jivis you are an inspiration. We could all learn a lot from you and your family

Stephen Doheny from Shell Cove Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 7:13:37 AM
Wow Jarvis I am very impressed with your drive and ability I haven't tried half the sports you have. I am really excited to follow your journey and hope to see you compete in Italy and then Japan. All the best and keep up the training.

Angela Young from Gladesville Australia posted on 17 Sep 2020 6:34:02 AM
Amazing achievement Jarvis. I remember you in preschool always willing to have a go and be involved I see you in the playground now and you've grown up into a wonderful young man so go for it reach for the stars you can do it.

Elizabeth Austin from Birchgrove Australia posted on 16 Sep 2020 9:29:38 PM
This is AWESOME I wish you all the best and hope you win Jarvis

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