
Title: Grit
Author: Sydney Childrens Hospital School
Category: School Entrant - Short Film
Year: 2021
Location: NSW

Viewer Comments

Kris Foster from Rosebery Australia posted on 4 Sep 2021 9:02:08 AM
Great job So cute

Louise Charman-James from Helensburgh Australia posted on 3 Sep 2021 7:48:10 PM
Oh well done Xari That brought a little tear to my eye

Marie Viselli from Helensburgh Public School Australia posted on 25 Aug 2021 9:33:23 AM
Love this Xari

Kim Hall from HELENSBURGH Australia posted on 25 Aug 2021 9:03:05 AM
That was amazing Xari. Thank you.

Helen Weston from 4878 Australia posted on 23 Aug 2021 7:44:00 PM
This was a beautiful story that i found sooooo inspirational. Thanks so much

Rebekah Duck from Boambee Australia posted on 23 Aug 2021 5:49:24 PM
Well done Xari great work

Lisa Quinn from Petrie Australia posted on 21 Aug 2021 11:47:56 PM
Awww this is heartening

Kyle Hopkins from Holder Australia posted on 20 Aug 2021 10:36:30 AM
So good. Well done Xari

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